What is an extrovert and an introvert? And which one are you? The answer might surprise you.
The better you know yourself, the more likely you are to design a life situation that will allow your special and unique talents to shine. Just as importantly, knowing the difference between extroverts and introverts will enable you to get along with all different personalities.
More on that below. So how do you know the answer to the question:
Are you an introvert or extrovert?
Unfortunately, there is a lot of mythology and stereotyping about extroverts and introverts. Let’s start by getting clear on the true, most important difference between the two personality types.
What is an extrovert and an introvert?
Extrovert and Introvert Meaning
When psychologist Carl Jung coined the terms in the early 1900s, this is how he defined extroverts vs. introverts:
Extroverts seek intensive contact with the outside world, while an introvert instead focuses that energy inward. Jung believed we carry both traits, and that no one is 100% introverted or extroverted.
This might explain why you may struggle to define yourself one way or the other. And, if you do have trouble deciding, it might mean you’re an ambivert. Keep scrolling for a free quiz below to help you decide.
There are a lot of stereotypes that introverts are shy, reserved, quiet, or contemplative.
This is a myth. An introvert can be outgoing and gregarious while with others. They will just feel wiped by the end of an intensely social party or work day and need to find time to recharge alone.
It is equally possible for an extrovert to feel shy or hold back in social situations.
Ambivert Meaning
Then of course, there’s the ambivert, also known as an omnivert. An ambivert can easily turn on a dime from an independent loner to a social butterfly. Instead of thinking of extroversion and introversion as a concrete personality trait, in reality it is much like a scale, with the ‘ambivert’ being right in the middle.
What is an extrovert and introvert?
Here is the only true difference:
- Introverts are people who need alone time to rest and recharge.
- Extroverts are people who recharge by being around others.
As the theory goes, introverts have a high level of brain activity and need to shield themselves from over stimulation, whereas extroverts need lots of social activity for stimulation.
Am I extroverted or introverted?

“Am I introverted – or extroverted with social anxiety?”
It’s important not to confuse introversion with social anxiety. Because extroverts tend to be highly social creatures, they may be more concerned with how people perceive them.
Social anxiety can be the sometimes debilitating feeling of self consciousness around others. Unlike the initial shyness of a first interaction with someone, you can recognize social anxiety when that fear or stress doesn’t subside after getting to know someone.
Social anxiety can be especially painful for extroverts because they derive their energy from being around others.
Here is a test to find out whether you are an extrovert, or introvert, or somewhere in between.
Extrovert vs. Introvert Test
If someone asks you for directions, what would you do?
- Think long and hard about the best route before speaking.
- Try to be as helpful as possible by quickly listing all of the ways I can think of to get to the place they are going.
- Take a moment or two to decide, and then give them the best option I can come up with on the fly.
What is your ideal Saturday night?
- Netflix and chill.
- A live concert.
- Dinner and a show.
Which statement do you most relate to?
- I find large groups to be too much, and would rather have one-on-one interactions. I enjoy spending time with other people, but need to rest and recharge in between social gatherings.
- Conversations, networking, and spending time with groups gives me energy. I flock to people and enjoy the company of others.
- Sometimes I get energy from being around others, but other times I find social situations fatiguing. It depends on the day, my mood, the situation, and the people I’m around.
Now tally up your score by how many times you most agreed with #1, #2, and #3.
If you scored mostly #1, you are definitely an introvert.
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What does it mean to be introverted?
- You do your best work when you are alone and have time to contemplate and create.
- It is likely you prefer one on one interactions, even when participating in large groups.
- You tend to use your long term memory to access more complex thought processes. That means you likely need more time to connect the dots and think before you speak.
- After a social gathering, you likely need lots of alone time to recharge.
- You would take remote work over going back to the office any day.
- You love ample time to explore your own projects and luxuriate in alone time.
If you scored higher on the introvert scale, be sure to check out this free chapter from ‘Confident Introvert’ or watch the interview with author HERE.
If mostly #2 statements resonated with you, you are more extroverted.
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What is extrovert personality type like?
- You’re more likely to derive energy and stimulation from large gatherings.
- Extroverts enjoy and thrive in any type of social gathering, whether in a group or one on one.
- You do your best work in a collaborative, social setting.
- Because you are more likely to access your short term memory, you are able to talk easily on your feet. This might also mean you speak without thinking or quickly change your mind.
- After a large social gathering, you feel energized, recharged, and are ready for more.
- You couldn’t wait to meet up with friends, plan a party, or get back to school or the office after things reopened in 2021.
If you answered mostly #3s or there was no consistent pattern in the numbers, that means you’re fluid and flexible ambivert.
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What is an Ambivert?
- You enjoy friends, parties, and group interactions, but also relish in alone time.
- As delightful as a raucous social occasion might be, you may also need to balance it with a day or two of ‘off’ time afterwards.
- You don’t mind being the center of attention, but don’t seek it out on a regular basis.
- It can be difficult to predict your mood, which can make sticking to social plans tough. For example, you might schedule something when you’re feeling outgoing, but after a tough day you might want nothing more than to skip the plans you made.
- In a conversation, you find it easy to alternate from listening to speaking, and this makes you quite persuasive and charming.
- Fun fact: ambiverts tend to make the best sales people because they know when to talk, and when to listen.
So what did you score on the test? Did the answers make sense and describe your personality…or not?
Tweet your results, and share your results in a comment below!